- Born: 1981
- Rank: Shodan (1st DAN)
- MAK Member since: 2003
- Responsible for: Dojo, Training, Website

Short Bio:
Hi, my name is Christian and I am the Dojo-Cho of Takeki Dojo.
Being a student of Shihan Larry Reynosa and a member of the Makoto Aikido Kyokai since 2003, I founded Takeki Dojo with the goal to offer people a place to train Makoto Aikido as I believe it has the capability to enable people to defend themselves without the need of becoming more violent than the person willing to harm them.
I was fortunate to meet Shihan Reynosa on one of his many seminars in Germany and over the years he did not only become my teacher but also a close friend. In 2007, during my studies, I managed to spend about 7 months as an “Uchi-Deshi” at Makoto Dojo. This included daily training along with supporting Shihan Reynosa with all kind of tasks at the Dojo. Since this time, I’m also volunteering as an IT-Officer at the Makoto Aikido Kyokai and Makoto Dojo in order to help Reynosa Shihan spreading his vision of Aikido to the world.
I’m looking forward to training with you at the Dojo and support you during training the best I can.
Domo arigatou gozaimasu!